Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter

Language en-us
Release 2025-12-30
Deposit sgd$30
Genre: RPG
Price: TBC

Two Protagonists, One Unforgettable Adventure
Follow the story of Estelle and Joshua, aspiring Bracers who aim to protect the world and its peace.
As they start out as novice Bracers, the two travel around the Liberl Kingdom to solve various incidents and gain experience.
A full 3D recreation of the Trails in the Sky world!
Experience the first chapter of Trails in the Sky as never before! The game's setting, Liberl Kingdom, has been recreated in 3D for this complete remake.
Immerse yourself in the world of Trails in the Sky with seamless transition between the overworld and towns.

  • System & Battle
    Initiate turn-based battles by attacking enemies in the overworld! While following the attack order of your party members and enemies, utilize a variety of attacks and magic known as Arts. With intuitive controls, players unfamiliar with RPGs can enjoy the game stress-free