Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy 456 Collector's Edition

Language en-us
Release 2024-04-30
Price sgd$239
Genre: Mystery
: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Includes: Game cartridge, Collector's Box, drama CD containing 2 new stories, 10 pieces of evidence that appears in the game and valuable items like Garyu Bromide, Identification photo of the person involved, Photo of Odouki and Aoi and more!

Court is back in session with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy!
Investigate crime scenes to gather evidence and build your case.
Battle the lead prosecutor in court and save your client.
Find and resolve contradictions to reveal more and more of the truth.
Take a desperate situation and turn it around! Snatch a Not Guilty verdict from the jaws of defeat! 

Release Trailer

Talk with witnesses and investigate the crime scene
to gather info and evidence to use in court.
Examine anything and everything that catches your eye.

Listen to what people have to say and glean what facts you can about the crime.
Point out contradictions between a witness's testimony and the evidence with a loud Objection!
Expose their lies during cross-examination and uncover the truth. 
Look for contradictions or lies in a witness's testimony.
If you can't find anything right off the bat, try pressing them!
When you do find something, present your evidence!

Special Extra Bonus

Featuring 3 games
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Join Apollo Justice on his journey to bring order to the courts and bring an end to the dark age of the law!

20th Anniversary Orchestra Concert