Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this website.
Terms of Use
  • Your use of this Website is subjected to these acceptable terms.
    For those who register with us, you agree to accept our terms and conditions and undertake that the information provided on your application for registration is true, updated and valid.
    We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes here.
    It is the responsibility of users to review the general terms and conditions of this Website regularly to ensure you are aware of the latest terms and conditions.
    Your use of this Website after a change has been posted will be deemed to signify your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions.

    Use of this Website including placing orders, registration, postings of messages or articles should not be:
  • Used for any unlawful purpose or for the publication, linking to or display of any unlawful material (including any pirated software) or material which is adult-oriented, obscene, pornographic, threatening, malicious, harmful, abusive, defamatory or libelous or any material which could bring SuperDealsGame into disrepute.
  • Encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or the Intellectual Property Rights of another.
  • Provide false information about yourself to us or to others, impersonate any other person, or otherwise attempt to mislead others about your identity or the origin of any content, message or other communication;
  • Infringe on the copyright or intellectual property rights of others;
  • Contain any viruses, trojan horses, time bombs, or any other harmful programs or elements;
  • For the purpose of transmitting junk mail, chain letters, or other unsolicited bulk e-mail or duplicative messages;
  • For the purpose of collecting information about other visitors to our website without our consent or otherwise systematically extract data or data fields;
  • For the purpose of selling access to or the use of this Website, including any content contained on, downloaded or accessed from this website;
  • Re-distribute any content, including data, provided by us in any manner whatsoever including by means of printed publication, fax, internet, e-mail, web newsgroups or social media, or any other electronic or paper-based service or method; or
    Disrupt, place unreasonable burdens or excessive loads on, interfere with or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion of this Website, its computer systems, servers or networks.

    Users must not carry out any of the following
  • Submit the same game more than once, which have been listed on our site.
  • Cross-post or spam on this site. Users of this Website are prohibited from any spamming activities, to post or transmit any unsolicited advertising and promotional materials, “junk mail”, “chain letters”, pyramid schemes” or use the same for any form of solicitation without the written permission of the operator of this portal.
  • Post anything for personal profit or gain.
  • Collect or store content, materials or personal information from our site for distribution, translation, public display or any form of transmission without our consent.
  • Tamper with, disrupt, obstruct, modify, delete or commit any intrusive acts of this website or parts of it whether through the means of scripts, machines or otherwise. No user may use any device, software or other means to interfere with the function of this Website or the provision of any services made available on or through this Website.
  • Adapt, decrypt, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, reverse engineer, create derivative versions of or sublicense any services provided on this website.
  • Your right to use this Website will terminate immediately if you fail to comply with any of these Terms And Conditions.
  • You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any information or material contained in any postings placed by you or caused to be placed by you through us on this Website. All information provided by you to us must be true, complete and correct. You agree to notify us immediately of any relevant changes.
  • You agree to indemnify SuperDealsGame, the proprietor and operator of this Website, its partners, its directors and shareholders, its affiliates, agents and representatives, employees or agents, licensors and suppliers harmless from and against any claims, actions or demands, claims, costs, expenses and liabilities including, without limitation any reasonable legal and fees, fines or penalties resulting from, or alleged to result from, your use of this Website in a manner that violates or is alleged to violate these Terms and Conditions or the law.
  • These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Disputes arising in relation to the same shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of Singapore.

    Placing Orders
  • By placing orders, you agree to fulfill the payment amount needed immediately. Failing which, your order may be cancelled.
  • For all standard items, full payment must be made before it can be collected, mail or delivered.
  • For standard items, if payment is not made immediately, we reserve the right to offer the stock to other customers.
  • For all overseas goods ordered, prices are not final and are subjected to final prices upon stock received locally. .
  • For pre-orders, the deposit amount stipulated must be fullfilled before we attempt to make a booking of the item for you.
  • Final amounts of pre-order may vary and will only be confirmed once item has arrived.
  • For pre-orders, customer who do not respond once the stock has arrived within 24 hours, may have the goods forfeited or cancelled. Administrative fees will be charged at $1/day after 30 days if customer takes more than 30 days to collect the item bought under self-collection.
    Once notification is sent to buyer, if the buyer does not make payment within 3 days, the goods may be sold or discarded and there shall be no refund.
    If buyer wish to store for more than the 30 days, they must inform us 3 days in advance and charges will still accrue on a daily basis.
    Store credits will be issued once order is cancelled and on a case by case basis. Within 3 months, the credit will be forfeited and may not be used for pre-orders.
    Cancellations & Exchanges
  • For exchange of standard goods, item must be in mint condition and should be done within 3 days of purchase and accepted on a case-by-case basis.
  • For pre-order cancellations are only allowed before item has shipped or has arrived at our warehouse, otherwise an administrative fee and bank fee will be charged once confirmation has been made to your order.
  • No exchange of goods for all collector\'s/limited/special edition items once item has been collected or shipped.
  • No cancellations are allowed for pre-order items once item has been shipped or within 24hrs, whichever is earlier.
    Shipping & Collection
  • For arrival of overseas items, the release date stated will be based on the country origin and may be subjected to supplier shipping time from date of release for goods to arrive.
  • For courier delivery, full payment must be made for the item and delivery service paid for if required.
  • For courier delivery, if customer or representative is not present at the premise, customer must inform us where to place the item, we will not be responsible for any loss or damage of goods if instructed to place outside of the premise.
  • For normal mailing items, we will not be responsible for any loss/damage as goods will not be insured.
  • For registered mailing, only applicable for small items only. Claims are eligible for lost item only and coverage is based on Singpost agreements.
  • For ninjavan delivery, claims are eligible for lost or damaged item depending on the severity and coverage and is based on Ninjavan agreements. If no one is present for collection, a 2nd attempt for delivery will be made.
  • For incorrect mailing address provided, customer will have to pay for additional delivery fees rendered.
  • Failure to turn up for self collection must be informed in advance, failing to turn up for collection will be subjected to an administrative charge of $5 and above if meet up is arranged and customer fails to inform about the absence.
  • No cancellations of orders are allowed for all orders once item is shipped.

    Intellectual Property Rights/Copyright
  • 1. SuperDealsGame, SuperDealsGame logo and characters and SuperDealsGame Icons are registered trade marks and protected by international trade mark and copyright laws. All other trade marks and logos that appear throughout this Web site belong to their respective owners and no user of this website shall commit any such copyright or trade mark infringements.
    2. Full credit should be attributed to us and all such copies should include this copyright notice.

    5. We encourages and appreciates links in your own Web pages to the main page of this website. As a courtesy however, if you do create such a hyperlink, please let us know. However, you must obtain our written consent before placing a link in your own Web page to any other SuperDealsGame page (e.g. a gif image).
    Reservation of Rights

    3. We reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to carry out the following:

    (a) to suspend or edit, remove or delete any posting or message or material posted on this Website which it deems unsuitable or inappropriate and we disclaims any liability whatsoever for any such steps taken.

    (b) to terminate and ban anyone who is suspected of or found to be abusing this website or violating the terms and conditions of this website.

    (c) to reject, refuse, postphone any submissions or reviews for validation purposes.

    (d) to postpone deadlines for contests and exchange prizes with other items should sponsors decide to change it\'s conditions or prize.

    4. Any prizes not claimed within 30 days of the announcement of the results of any contest or event shall be deemed to be forfeited.

    In this portal
  1. Any dealing or transaction between any user and any advertiser or third party found on or through this Website is solely between such user and such third party and the operator of this website shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, fraud or any disputes between such user and such third party arising from such dealing or transaction. In particular, all users should be aware of the risks of dealing with strangers through the Internet.
  2. The list of prices on this site is to be served as a guide and not to be taken as the full and final price of product which of our merchant is producing. Price of items is subjects to change and are not be reflected here in real-time. Prices varies from platforms and are subjected to countries and its currencies.
  3. The operator of this site disclaims any warranty, express or implied, as to the quality, reliability, merchantability, performance or fitness for a particular purpose of any product, software, service or other material offered on this Website or any other Website linked to this Website or that such product or service will be free of viruses or other harmful components and will not be liable for any loss or injury or damage (including but not limited to any damage to any computer system, software, modem, telephone or other property corruption or loss of program or data) from the use of this Website or any other Website linked to this Website.
  4. Unless you choose the option not to have any e-mails sent to you or modify your profile and select “Unsubscribe”, you further agree to allow the operator of this Website, its affiliates, licensors and licensees to send e-mails to you. The operator of this website disclaims any responsibility for any loss or injury or damage (including but not limited to any damage to any computer system, software, modem, telephone or other property corruption or loss of program or information or data) thereby.
  5. The operator of this website shall have no liability for any loss or damage resulting from a cause over which it does not have any direct control, including but not limited to, failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other interconnect problems, bugs, errors, configuration problems or incompatibility of computer hardware or software, failure or unavailability of Internet access, Internet service providers or other equipment or services relating to your computer, intermediate computer or communications networks or facilities, data transmission facilities or your telephone or telephone service, or unauthorised access, theft, operator errors, severe weather, earthquakes or labour disputes.
  6. All users should be aware that if they voluntarily disclose personal information (e.g., user name, email address) on a bulletin board, a survey or feedback form or in a chat room, that information can be collected and used by others and may result in unsolicited messages from other parties. The operator of this website disclaims any responsibility for any such information that any user so discloses.
  7. All users are responsible for maintaining the security, secrecy and confidentiality of their own personal information including any passwords or user IDs or registration particulars and should not in particular, disclose their password to anyone including the operator of SuperDealsGame or its staff or employees. Users should immediately inform the operator of this website of any unauthorized use thereof.
  8. The operator of this website expressly disclaims any representation guarantee or warranty, including without limitation, any implied warranties of satisfactory condition, quality of service, level of skill or competence or merchantability, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose. SuperDealsGame is not responsible for and expressly disclaims all liability in connection with the Information including without limitation, any liability for any injury, damage to or loss of any property including, damage to any computer hardware, data, information, materials and business resulting arising out of use of, reference to, or reliance on the Information or the lack of information available on this Website. In particular, the operator of SuperDealsGame disclaims any liability for
    (a) Any loss or injury caused, in whole or in part, by its actions, omissions, or negligence, or for contingencies beyond its control, in procuring, compiling, or delivering the Information;
    (b) Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the Information regardless of how caused, or delays or interruptions in delivery of the Information; or
    (c) Any decision made or action taken or not taken in reliance upon the Information furnished hereunder.
  9. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or under any other cause of action.
  10. The operator of this portal further makes no warranty, that the Information will be uninterrupted or error free or that any defects can be corrected.