Privacy Policy

SuperDealsGame strongly enforce on the security of keeping members data and information secure and private. And we hope to provide every members that have signed up with us to feel secure and there shall be no divulge of your privacy in any manner without your prior consent. Members that have signed up over the web can have a sound mind of safety.

The Golden Rules that we will follow to protect Your privacy:
1. We will never sell, reveal your data to third parties, without prior permission.
2. All information have a form of security to protect your information from being retrieved by all forms of net intruders.
Registration is only required when you use certain services from which will usually aid you in becoming a member. You may need to register to post articles, reply. Registration is required for taking part in promotions or contests.
We provide site affiliation to other complimentary gaming related sites, you will find direct links on our Affiliates\' page. Some of these sites are authorized to use the SuperDealsGame brand and/or logo. SuperDealsGame carefully evaluates all parties that are authorised to use our brand and logo.
We also hold Contests from our sponsors and will provide Contestants with information about their relevent product or contest rules to safe guard contestants, judges and the sponsors themselves.
We do not cover third-party sites privacy policies. If you feel that a site using the SuperDealsGame brand and/or logo misuse our identity or image, please contact us.
SuperDealsGame may provide certain user information to affiliated third parties for marketing purposes or when requested by government bodies to faciliate assistance in investigation.

If you have questions about our privacy policy or the practices of this site, please send email via our contact us page.

We strive to make this place secure and pleasant for you.


SuperDealsGame Team